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Feeder 3 5 – Create Edit And Publish Rss Feeds

  1. Feeder 3 5 – Create Edit And Publish Rss Feeds Online
  2. Feeder 3 5 – Create Edit And Publish Rss Feeds Wordpress
  3. Feeder 3 5 – Create Edit And Publish Rss Feeds Free
  4. Feeder 3 5 – Create Edit And Publish Rss Feeds Pdf

Without the intention of sounding too brash: You need an RSS feed. Read this article to learn how to create an RSS feed and how how easy it is.

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) has really become the pillerstone of the Internet. Back in 2005 it was the latest thing, as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat once was. I’d like you to know though, that RSS is more than just a way of sharing news with friends. It’s a format that will live on after all the hype.

Today when you hear the word “feed” you think of Instagram or Facebook. It’s a list of content (ideally) in chronological order, one that you can scroll through to stay updated during the day. RSS feeds can be seen as the “original feed”. An RSS feed is a file that can be downloaded by anyone online. Think of it as a Word document, but the format is very strict. (An analogy is that the titles need to have one specific font and size, the links another color, the content needs to be 13pt with 1.5 line spacing, et cetera).

  • Without the intention of sounding too brash: You need an RSS feed. Read this article to learn how to create an RSS feed and how how easy it is. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) has really become the pillerstone of the Internet. Back in 2005 it was the latest thing, as Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat once was.
  • Instead, customize and filter your own RSS feeds using app automation tool Zapier and you can create one RSS feed that includes just the posts you're most interested in. You can even combine several RSS feeds to get all of your favorite articles into one easily digestible RSS feed. Find the RSS Feeds You Want to Follow.
  • In the Name box, type a name for the new Web page (rss.aspx), and then click Add.The new ASP.NET web page (rss.aspx) is created and displayed, accordingly.Because we want the rss.aspx page to produce XML output, the first thing that we must do is remove all HTML markup or web controls from the page, and then set the ContentType property of @page directive to 'text/xml'.
  • You can also choose to include, exclude, or select only Ownership filings (Forms 3, 4, 5). For example, here are the most recent Form 10-Ks (Annual Reports). Historical Archives (Boolean). Using the Historical Archives Search, you can search on filing 'header information' to select RSS search results.

Once the RSS feed is added, you get to select which feeds and which postings you want to publish. If you’re looking to create a newspaper of your own content, you can do that as well with a FeedJournal Publisher account (for a monthly subscription).

RSS feeds help your users and readers stay updated. With specialized softwares called RSS readers, RSS feed readers and feeders, your users will find your feed and subscribe to it. Once subscribed they will get notifications when you published new entries.

Already now I think you can see how your audience can make use of this. For example, it’s pretty much required to have an RSS feed if you host a podcast. If you run a blog, you will also need an RSS feed. There are actually many unique ways to use RSS feeds.

How to create an RSS feed

First of all: Are you using WordPress? Great news! Then you do not need create an RSS feed, because you already have an one. You don’t need to do anything, and can sip a piña colada instead of doing your homework here.

Most likely this is also the case if you are using other publisher platforms like Movable Type, Ghost, Wix, Squarespace and others.

Are you a podcaster? Then you will need to get a tool to create for RSS feeds for you.

For custom web hosting solutions, you will most likely need to create your own RSS feeds as well. If you have a web developer at hand, please contact them, as this falls on their table.

If you are a complete newbie to web hosting then we recommend just starting out with WordPress. It’s a free software and their are many available hosting providers, ranging from free to paid. Otherwise there are tools to create RSS files for you. These include:

  • RSS Builder
  • Rapidfeeds
  • FeedForAll

Are you a programmer? Then a text editor or IDE of choice is all you need. RSS feeds are simply standard XML files, so jump to the XML Reference table below for more information.


Keep in mind that the RSS feed you create is a user interface that needs to be decided and designed. Take some time to think your choices through well, your audience will appreciate it and reward you:

  • Title – The title of the feed should ideally mirror your site or podcast. There’s no idea in adding the words “Feed” or “RSS” here, as it’s just noise to the user
  • Description – Just a small description, maybe the tagline of your site or the description of your podcast. This will be available on the directory you submit to
  • Image – More on images in the next section, but it’s good to have a catching image
  • Link – Where should the main link of the RSS feed lead to? Normally this is back to your website or blog, but it could be Twitter, Facebook, VK, MySpace, Friendster, Tumblr blog or anything else


For podcasts RSS feeds you definitely need an image. Podcast softwares will display this image in their directory, and when the user is listening to your sweet voice (or tunes). If not podcast you can also add an image, but most likely the software will ignore any choice you made here and just choose your website favicon (make sure to have on of good quality!).


Depending on the software you are using the content of each entry will be inserted differently. Be sure to include a description of the item you are creating, but if you have a blog we recommend to not include the entire article. Just include a summary or the intro, so their’s enough to get sucked in and want to read more.


This is a term you’ll likely find in the RSS software. Sounds very scary, it is in fact not. It means Globally Unique IDentifier, and it is the globally unique identifier for the entry you are creating in your feed. If the GUID changes and the link or title is still the same, an RSS reader will send a notification to their users. So don’t keep changing GUIDs!

Confused and angry users will rant on the RSS readers support forum, and sad developers are not happy developers. Don’t base it on things like timestamps, your domain or something that might change in the future.

Also if the option is available: Make sure to put `isPermaLink` to `false` if you’re not using a link to the entry.


Again, all RSS creation softwares work differently, and look differently. The end goal is, however, always the same. When you are done filling in all information you need to export your RSS feed as XML.

Put this file on your server. If this concept sounds foreign to you, please consult your webmaster or hosting company. Normally it will simply be uploaded with FTP, SFTP or S3. Make sure the file is publicly accessible.

Tag Reference

Here is what an RSS feed looks like, as you can see there are many weird characters and spaces. If you know HTML it might look very familiar and actually quite readable. Izotope ozone advanced 9 0 3.

Below is an example from Feeder’s blog:

Run-of-the-mill typical developer in their typical environment. Other environments include basements, coffee shops and sweat shops

Please note that all the spaces are ignored by any RSS software. That is called indentation. You do not need to indent your RSS feed in any specific way, it’s just for readability for humans/developers.


RSS softwares are very forgiving softwares. If you put a typo in the code of your feed it will try its damned hardest to understand. This can lead to inconsistencies. Inconsistencies most of the time come in the form of upset users. And again, these upset users will flock to the support forums of the RSS readers. Sometimes even with pitchforks. Remember to be friendly to RSS feed software developers!

If you use an RSS creation software, odds are that this will not be a problem. If it is, please change software immediately. Run far far away from that software. Hopefully you didn’t pay for that software!

When developers create RSS feeds, errors happen. Not because developers are bad people, but because they are human. So always use an RSS validator service to double check everything. Jutoh 1 30 ubkg download free.

We strongly recommend the W3C’s RSS feed validator:


The next step is making your RSS feed public. You need to do 2 things here.

1. Advertise the RSS feed correctly on your page with link tags. The link tag should look like this:

This tag should be placed somewhere between the “ elements in your HTML. Ideally you should place this on every page, to simplify the life of your users. However just the frontpage is always a good start.

Note: If you have a publishing platform like WordPress, this is most likely already taken care of.

The text between the “title” should be the title of your blog or website (Don’t just put “Feed” there!). RSS softwares will display this to your users.

2. Submit to an RSS directory


For podcasts you will most likely be submitting your RSS feed to iTunes and other podcast networks.

To try to gain extra traffic you should also add it to an RSS feed directory. So be sure to read more about those in our article “What is an RSS Directory“.

That is all

Hopefully now you have a good grasp of how best you create an RSS feed, and can hit the ground running.


The most powerful WordPress RSS aggregator, helping you curate content, autoblog, import and display unlimited RSS feeds within a few minutes.

FEEDZY – The Powerful RSS Aggregator and Content Aggregator Plugin for Autoblogging

FEEDZY RSS Aggregator helps you aggregate unlimited RSS feeds and automatically publish them on your site within a few minutes.
With FEEDZY RSS Aggregator, you can sit back, let your site autoblog and always stay fresh with new content, which in return helps improve content marketing, boost your SEO, increase audience’s engagement, and probably earn more money.

What you can do with Feedzy RSS Aggregator:

  • Feed to post (our most loved feature): automatically convert RSS feed items to WordPress pages, posts, and custom post type.
  • Automatically import and aggregate unlimited RSS feeds from unlimited sources
  • Bulk import and organize multiple feed sources of similar topics into Categories. See how our user, Barry Seward, loves this feature here
  • Easily display RSS feeds using shortcodes, Gutenberg blocks, or widgets in your third-party page builders like Elementor
  • Import images with your RSS feeds or use your own image/logo for feeds without image. We know visuals are important and do not want your site to have a boring list of text and links.
  • Control number of items you want to display for a feed source. Just want to display 1 article or 20 articles in a block? You’ve got it with one click.
  • Worried if the imported feed articles’ titles are too long and might not look nice on your site? Change them with the Title Character Limit function.
  • Choose your own caching time and how often you want to pull RSS feeds to ensure the best performance for your site.
  • Create a sidebar of your imported feed items.
  • Control which meta fields you want to display, such as author, date and time of the RSS feed.
  • Responsive content across platforms.

You should use FEEDZY RSS Aggregator if:

  • You own a news site; you want a WP news aggregator to make sure your site always updated with the latest news
  • You own a blog; you need a WP content aggregator to autoblog and keep your audience engaged with fresh content
  • You want to improve your SEO rankings. See how the SEO expert, MOZ, talked about 10 reasons “How Fresh Content May Influence Google Rankings”“
  • You develop a site for your client and just want to quickly demo a news feed of frequently updated content
  • You build a company website and want a news/blog page to enhance company’s reputation and SEO. Focus on your business and leave the content marketing work to FEEDZY RSS Aggregator.
  • You run an affiliate business or want to earn extra from RSS affiliate marketing feeds
  • You need a simple but comprehensive solution to curate anything in your niche, such as property listing for a real estate website, product listing for an affiliated e-commerce site, etc.
  • It does not matter which industry or topic your site is about. +30,000 users have used FEEDZY RSS Aggregator to curate content from everywhere, such as finance, technology, food, home furniture, e-commerce products, religion, sports, and so on.
  • You want to earn more money, thanks to the benefits above.
  • Note: to learn more about how to use curated content to boost your SEO in a proper and effective way, read more here.

More powerful with FEEDZY RSS Aggregator’s premium features

If you love FEEDZY RSS Aggregator, why not bring your site to the next level with more powerful tools to boost your SEO and keep your audience on your site for longer.

  • Keyword filter: you can choose to import feed to post and display content if they include or exclude certain keywords.
  • Map the imported feed elements to your post elements: totally control and customize how your feed to post, such as using the feed’s image or your image as the featured image, importing only the feed’s content or both the content and image into the post content, creating post drafts first to review or publishing right away, and so many more.
  • Full text RSS feeds import (with image) (with image): by extracting the entire HTML from each feed item, you can import full text content to post, not just the feed excerpt.
  • Multiple feed templates: choose the best template for each feed, such as standard grid layout, blog layout, online shop layout, or audio playback (soundcloud) playout.
  • WordAI and SpinnerChief integration to avoid duplicated content.
  • Parse and display pricings for online shop and product feeds.
  • Add affiliate links and referral parameters for your affiliate business.
  • Still skeptical? Ask your pre-sales questions here and we will get back shortly, or purchase with peace of mind and try it out yourself. We offer 30-day-no-questions-asked money back guarantee.

We’re here for you, and we take all feedback seriously

  • Knowledge Base: we’ve created a complete documentation library and we’re still constantly updating with new tutorials.
  • Youtube tutorials: don’t like reading? We’ve created some Youtube tutorials to help you get started with FEEDZY RSS Aggregator plugin step by step.
  • Support forum: we offer support to free version user here and try to reply within one business day.
  • Premium support: we offer priority support for Developer license customers and live chat support for Agency license customers.
  • If you have any feedback or feature suggestions for FEEDZY RSS Aggregator, don’t hesitate to tell us. We read all feedback and ideas.

You’re in good hands

FEEDZY RSS Aggregator is one of many great products by ThemeIsle. Join over 30,000 FEEDZY RSS Aggregator users and half of a million ThemeIsle users from all over the world.

See what real users talk about us:

  • FEEDZY RSS Aggregator in WordPress Daily with Tom Mullins
  • Lester Diaz showed how to make $200 per day using FEEDZY RSS Aggregator
  • “Simple and beautiful” and 5 stars from a power user using FEEDZY RSS Aggregator for blogspot
  • “Excellent plugin” and 5 stars from a power user using FEEDZY RSS Aggregator for Mailchimp mailing list
  • “Robust tool but also works great for simple needs” and 5 stars from a power user using FEEDZY RSS Aggregator to display recent posts with excerpts
Feeder 3 5 – Create Edit And Publish Rss Feeds

Technical note

FEEDZY RSS Aggregator supports any additional library and takes up minimal space in your cache/CSS to ensure high performance. This ensures compatibility with any hosting provider that supports WordPress, but if for any reason it doesn’t work for yours feel free to create a new support topic.

Shortcode Parameters

Plugin is now using the TinyMCE API to improve UI and makes it easy to insert shortcodes!

Basic example

Advanced example

Available Hooks

Compress 1 0 3 – image compression size. Rampone cazzani serial numbers. This plugin is maintained and supported by Themeisle, check out some of the other WordPress plugins and free themes we’ve developed.


This plugin provides 1 block.

RSS Aggregator by Feedzy - Powerful WP Autoblogging and News Aggregator


  1. Upload and activate the plugin (or install it through the WP admin console)
  2. Insert shortcode !
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